

Page history last edited by Beth Duttlinger 14 years, 11 months ago

Welcome to Technology Training Wheels - Email!                 


The purpose of this installment of Technology Training Wheels is to help you with the basics of email.  The three email services covered are Hotmail, Gmail, and Yahoo! Mail.  Most concepts include general sections on the topic as well as specific information on each email service.  These topics and their coverage is in no way all inclusive, but it is designed to provide instruction and answer questions for the beginning and some intermediate users.  You will find training videos, text, tutorials, and useful links on each subject. 


I hope you find this wiki easy to navigate and use.  The topics are laid out in the following manner:


Sending and Receiving Messages

Email Attachments



Contacts and Distribution Lists


Folders and Labels


If you don't find the answer to your question, want more or advanced information on a topic, need further clarification of a concept, would like to see another topic covered, or have any other comments or concerns, please contact me!  I will be more than happy to assist you!  The great thing about a wiki is that it can easily be updated, continually improved, and constantly developed.  Your feedback will only make this site better!

Suzanne Baschieri

Consulting & Continuing Education Administrator

Alliance Library System  


(309)694-9200 ext.2109


**Please be advised that email services and technology is constantly changing! Although we are attempting to provide you with the most up-to-date information, your email service may come out with something new or a better way to do something before we are able to update our wiki!


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