What is Wetpaint?
Created in 2005, Wetpaint is a wiki hosting site that targets non-technical internet users who want to collaborate online. Wetpaints features are generally easy to use and incorporates a three step wiki creation wizard. It is free of charge and supported by advertising. Established educational sites are ad-free upon request. Over 1,000,000 wikis have been created using Wetpaint.
What is Wetpaint?
Wetpaint Wiki How To Part 1 (there is a musical introduction, but this video does a good job of getting you started in Wetpaint).
Wetpaint Wiki How To Part 2 (again, there is a musical introduction, but the video does a good job of explaining the next steps).
Wetpaint Central- offers help and support.
FAQs - Covers all the "How To's"
The Basics:
For Additional Help:
More About Wetpaint Sites
Tips for a Successful Site
If you can't find the answer to a question you may always post it in the Discussion Forum.
- Customization - 24 templates allow you to customize your site, you can upload an image to the homepage banner and change the site's name at anytime.
- Searching - contributors and readers can easily search the wiki using keyword tags.
- Bookmarking - easily bookmarked through Del.icio.us, Digg, Blue Dot, or StumbleUpon.
- Rss Feeds - for updates.
- Unlimited Pages
- File Attachments
- Site Activity Reports
- Permissions - allows the administrator to control who can view, edit, and contribute to the wiki.
- Discussion Forum - allows members to create, track, and watch discussion threads.
- Tagging incuded
- Instantly Email a Page
- Possible to Use Your Own URL
- WYSIWYG Editor
- Advertisements - can be distracting and very annoying.
- No Code - cannot write in code, so the more technical user will see this as a disadvantage.
- Search Feature - does not work very well.
Sample Wetpaint Sites:
Examples of Libraries Using Wetpaint Wikis
Daytona State College Library
Penn State University Libraries Service Desk Knowledgebase
Pierce County Library System
Wikis in Education - For those that want to use Wetpaint wikis for educational purposes, you can browse educational wikis, join the Wetpaint educational community, test out Wetpaint in the sandbox area, browse how others in education are using Wetpaint, or get started creating your own Wetpaint wiki.
Alliance Library System's Wetpaint Wikis
ALS LSTA Grant Forum
Librarians ACT Wiki- Librarians Affecting Children and Teens
Just for Fun!-these are just some random Wetpaint Wikis to give you a feel of how you can use Wetpaint Wikis. If you are not ready to create a wiki at this time, you can still explore Wetpaint and find a lot of useful information by browsing Featured Wetpaint Sites.
I Heart Hello Kitty
Save the Earth Wiki
wikiVegan - this page has a great explanation of how to use a Wetpaint Wiki.
For questions, comments, or additional information please contact:
Suzanne Baschieri
Consulting & Continuing Education Administrator
Alliance Library System
(309)694-9200 ext.2109
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