

Page history last edited by Beth Duttlinger 9 years, 2 months ago


What is a Wiki?                                                                        


A wiki is a page or collection of Web pages designed to enable anyone who accesses it to contribute or modify content, using a simplified markup language. Wikis are often used to create collaborative websites and to power community websites. The collaborative encyclopedia Wikipediais one of the best-known wikis.


Ward Cunningham developed the first wiki, the WikiWikiWeb in 1994.  It was named after the WikiWiki Shuttle bus at the Honolulu International Airport.  Cunningham developed the idea of allowing users to edit and comment on each other's text. In the early 2000s, wikis were increasingly adopted in enterprise as collaborative software. Common uses included project communication, intranets, and documentation.  Today some companies use wikis as their only collaborative software and as a replacement for static intranets.


About.com - What is a Wiki - Wikis Explained: What is a Wiki?


What is a Wiki (and How to Use One for Your Projects)


ReadWriteWeb The World of Wikis




  Defining Wikipedia: Pocket Edition 005 - This podcast by Educausedoes a great job explaining the concept of Wikipedia as a source of basic information, the community behind it, how wikis work, and their pros and cons. To listen to the podcast, click on the picture of the headphones to the left or click here.


  Uses of Wikis: Pocket Edition 006 - This podcast by Educause, although geared toward academic use, looks at seven uses for wikis in education: peer review, collaborative research, student portfolios, class projects, faculty wikis, long distance collaboration, and digital media production.  Even if none of these uses apply to your situation, by exploring the concept in further detail, you will get a better understanding of the functionality of wikis and get some ideas of how to use them.   To listen to the podcast, click on the picture of headphones to the left or click here.




  Wikis in Plain English

This video by Common Craft explains Wikis in Plain English.




What Makes a Wiki Unique?


Some of the fundamental concepts behind a wiki include:

  • A wiki invites all users to edit any page or to create new pages within the wiki Web site, using only a plain-vanilla Web browser without any extra add-ons.
  • Wikis promote meaningful topic associations between different pages by making page link creation easy and by showing whether an intended target page exists or not.
  • A wiki is not a carefully crafted site for casual visitors. Instead, it seeks to involve the visitor in an ongoing process of creation and collaboration that constantly changes the Web site landscape.


What Can my Library do with a  Wiki?


Using Wikis to Create Online Communities - WebJunction answers the question and offers advice on using a wiki for things such as subject guides, community resources, annotating the catalog, and internally for librarians.  


What is a Wiki -- and Why should you care as a library leader? - PALINET covers the basics of wikis and how they can be used in a library setting.


Wikis and Libraries: Resources, Articles, and Links- contains many useful resources, articles, links, and more.


Wiki World- a presentation that provides an overview of wikis and how libraries are using them. 


Examples of Library Wikis


Olympia High School Tech Education Wiki - Sue Mullen at Olympia HS created this wiki to provide a place for Olympia teachers to learn more about web tools to improve and enhance teaching, to provide a means for collaboration with the school library media program, and to share examples of technology can integrated into the school curriculum.   


Wethersfield SLC - Julie O'Riley at Wethersfield Jr/Sr High School used a wiki for the library's home page.  She has incorporated a glogster poster as an interactive way to display links. 


Which Wiki is Right for Me? 


There are lots of options when choosing a wiki application.  The following resources will help you decide which wiki is right for you.


WikiMatrix.org- will ask you to answer a few simple question to assess your needs, provide you with the wiki sites that meet your criteria, and allow you to compare several or all of them. 


ChoosingaWiki - lots of useful resources when trying to decide which wiki software is right for you.


The Wiki Toolbox - The Wiki Toolbox: 30+ Wiki Tools and Resources - 30 of the best sites



Applications Available


Although there are many options available, the following are among the most popular and easy to use.  To learn more about one or all of the following, click on the appropriate link below. 

  Back to the Technology Training Wheels home page    


If you don't find the answer to your question, want more or advanced information on a topic, need further clarification of a concept, would like to see another topic covered, or have any other comments or concerns, please contact me!  I will be more than happy to assist you!  The great thing about a wiki is that it can easily be updated, continually improved, and constantly developed.  Your feedback will only make this site better!

Suzanne Baschieri

Consulting & Continuing Education Administrator

Alliance Library System  


(309)694-9200 ext.2109



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