
Reading 2 Point 0

Page history last edited by Beth Duttlinger 9 years, 3 months ago

What is Reading 2.0?                                        


Everyone understands the definition of reading or what it means to read.  Some understand Web 2.0.  According to Wikipedia, "the term Web 2.0 is commonly associated with web applications that facilitate interactive information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design, and collaboration on the World Wide Web. Examples of Web 2.0 include web-based communities, hosted services, web applications, social-networking sites, video-sharing sites, wikis, blogs, mashups, and folksonomies. A Web 2.0 site allows its users to interact with each other as contributors to the website's content, in contrast to non-interactive websites where users are limited to the passive viewing of information that is provided to them."


Further explanation:

(concept from the website http://www.readingtech.wikispaces.com/  which was created by Anita Beaman and Amy Oberts)

Reading 2.0 "derives from an analogy used to describe the evolution of the web: Web 1.0 is what most of us are "used to"--the Internet user is responsible for searching and reading content posted on the World Wide Web. Web 2.0 shifts this paradigm by challenging the Internet user to create and interact with content shared across the World Wide Web."


Video Explanations:

(found on the website http://www.readingtech.wikispaces.com/ created by Anita Beaman and Amy Oberts)

1. Narrated Account: "Web 2.0" (5:19)

2. Visual Account: "The Machine is Us/ing Us" (4:34) (by Michael Wesch; can be downloaded from http://mediatedcultures.net/)

3. Shift Happens: Did You Know 4.0 (4:46)


Wikipedia's Entry: 



"Extending this analogy to the art of reading: In the past, the book and the computer might have been in competition with one another...that's a "Reading 1.0" mindset. The technological tools posted in this wiki, however, promote reading without diminishing the importance or value of written text. Harnessing technology to excite and empower your students' literary development is our mission for Reading 2.0!" (Beaman, Oberts) 



Why Reading 2.0?


The Reading 2.0 wikis and article links below will provide you with alternative ideas to promote the books in your library's collection.  Even if you are a "technophobe" (afraid of technology) there are several ideas that could be used or modified that will get you started in promoting books and other reading materials to your students.



Explore the Following Wikis


By visiting this wiki, you will discover a plethora of ideas that will aid in promoting books to your students and teachers!  Here are some of the ideas you'll find in this wiki:  low-tech labels, creating screensavers, moodle, social bookmarking, additional pathfinders, booktalks and so much more!  (This wiki was created by Anita Beaman, ISU - University High School and Amy Oberts, Bloomington CUSD #87)  http://www.readingtech.wikispaces.com/


This wiki was created by Elizabeth Sessions, Technology in Motion, State of Alabama Department of Education.  Some of the highlights from this wiki include phonics 2.0, vocabulary 2.0, comprehension 2.0, and fluency 2.0 and of course this is just the beginning.  http://www.techtoolsforreading.wikispaces.com/





The following articles relate to Reading 2.0 and will provide additional resources for implementing Reading 2.0 tools that will enable you to promote reading to your students and teachers.


Abram, Stephen. "Promoting Reading Using This 2.0 Stuff." MultiMedia & Internet @ Schools. 15.5 (September/October 2008): 21-23. 


Beaman, Anita. "YA Lit 2.0: How Technology Is Enhancing the Pleasure Reading Experience for Teens." Knowledge Quest. 35.1 (September/October 2006): 30-33. 


Koval, Anna. “The 2.0 Tech I Can’t Live Without.” Knowledge Quest. 37.4 (March/April 2009):  34-35.


Richardson, Will. “Teaching in a Web 2.0 World.” Kappa Delta Pi Record. 43.4 (Summer 2007): 150-151. 


Valenza, Joyce. “Reading 2.0:  Getting The Gears to Work in Harmony.” e-VOYA. (October 2008): 1-5.





Preddy, Leslie B., Social Readers:  Promoting Reading in the 21st Century. Linworth Press. 2010.




For more information, please contact:

Angela L. Green

Library Development Consultant

Alliance Library System

600 High Point Lane

East Peoria, IL  61611

(309) 694-9200 ext. 2108





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