
Photo Sharing and Editing

Page history last edited by Beth Duttlinger 9 years, 3 months ago


Photo Sharing/Hosting

Photo sharing/hosting sites allow a user to upload images to a website.  The image host will then store the image onto its server, and show the individual different types of code to allow others to view that image.  The user is then able to share the images with others publicly or privately.  THere are many photo hosting and sharing sites, so this module will focus on two of the more popular sites, Flickr and Photobucket.  To get started, choose one of the links below.





Photo Editing

Photo editing sites allow you to crop, animate, and adjust features (color, clarity, contrast, size, etc.) of images. There are many photo editing sites and software.  This module will focus on two, Picasa and Picnik.  Picasa is a program that you download to your computer that also offers Picasa Web Albums (PWA) for image hosting.  Picnik is an online photo editing site.  To get started, click on one of the links below.  





If you would like to explore other photo sharing, hosting, and editing sites, see the page listed below.  If offers additional resources that compare the many other options. 

Additional Photo Editing and Hosting Resources

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