

Page history last edited by Beth Duttlinger 9 years, 3 months ago



Skype is an Internet software application that uses Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) to allow users to call each other through their Skype accounts free or to place calls for a fee from their Skype account to  landline or mobile phones.  Other services include instant messaging (IM), file transfer, and limited teleconferencing. 


This module uses a combination of links to Skype “Help Guides”, You Tube videos, and other resources including Wikipedia.


Founded in 2003 by Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis, Skype uses Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) to allow users to talk to each other over their computers for free. 


Skype Basics


Skype for Windows


Skype for Mac OS X


Skype for Business


Sound and Security


Skype for Mobile Phones


Call Costs and Rates


Guide for Network Administrators


Wikipedia on Skype


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