What is Picnik?
Pixnik is an online photo editing service. It can import photos from Facebook, Myspace, Picasa Web Albums, Flickr, Yahoo Image search, or allows options to upload from a computer. Many of Picnik's basic photo editing tools are free to use, but Picnik Premium includes additional photo editing features and is offered for a monthly, 6-month, or annual subscription fee. Picnik was just recently acquired by Google.
- You don't have to have an account to use Picnik
- Easy to use and navigate
- Has enough features for casual editing
- Integrated with social networking sites
- Accessible anywhere
- Nothing to install on your computer
- Premium doesn't compare to Photoshop for precise photo processing such as selecting specific areas of a photo, doing selective color adjustments and working with layer masks
- Requires a fast internet connection
- Photos must be in digital format
- Have to pay for the upgrade/enhanced features
How to Use Picnik.com - This is a great tutorial on how to upload a picture and use the basic features without creating an account.
- Photo history and unlimited undo on 5 most recent photos
- Connect to photo sites and social network sites one at a time
- Access to all the essential photo fixing tools
- Browser plug in for Firefox and Internet Explorer
- Always have access to the most current version of Picnik
- Exclusive content, including the best special effects features
- Advanced editing tools, including curves (lets you fine tune any color balance in your image) and clone (allows you to duplicate a portion of your picture and repeat it elsewhere in your photo)
- Fullscreen mode
- Professional fonts from FontShop
- Seasonal and designer stickers
- No ads
- Priority support
- Perfect Memory saves all of your actions on all of your photos wherever you store them
- Unlimited photo history
- Unlimited easy and fast connections to popular photo sites and social networks
- Collages and Fancy Collages for scrapbooking
- Use of the Picnik Photo Basket for easy uploading, layering and more
For more information and details on Picnik's features and Premium Upgrades: http://blog.picnik.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/Picnik-Features-Pricing_0909.pdf
More Resources
Picnik FAQs
PHOTOHOWTO: How to Work with Online Photo Editor
Picnik Tips and Tricks on Flickr
Tips on Using Picnik
Editing your Photos with Picnik
How To Use Google's New (Free) Photo-Editing Tool, Picnik
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